Liverpool Life Sciences UTC governors play a crucial role in overseeing the management of the UTC. Their responsibilities include focusing on strategy, policy, budgeting, and staffing to support senior leaders and teachers in delivering excellent education.
Being a governor involves a commitment to attending meetings where key issues are addressed, such as setting the vision, managing financial risks, and scrutinising educational outcomes. Governors also engage with the school community, acting as critical friends to the Principal and senior leaders.
Liverpool Life Sciences UTC Governing Body
- Geoff Wainwright (Chair of Governors)
- Steve McKeown (Vice Chair, Trust Appointed Governor)
- Jill Davies (Principal)
- Nigel Ward (Trust Appointed Governor)
- St John Crean (Sponsor Governor)
- Reece Armstrong-Miller (Staff Governor)
- Phil Lloyd (Trust Appointed Governor)
- Andrew Bates (Sponsor Governor)
- Hannah Fearon (Trust Appointed Governor)
- Anna Strupiechowska (Parent Governor)
- Jennifer Maher (Parent Governor)
- Paul Taylor (Staff Governor)
- Sarah Stephenson (Clerk to the Governors)
The main responsibilities of school governors include:
- Ensuring the strategic direction, vision, and ethos of the UTC.
- Holding executive leaders accountable on various issues.
- Overseeing financial performance to ensure funds are effectively utilised.
Dates of meetings
- Wednesday 11th December 2024, 5pm
- Wednesday 29th January 2025, 5pm
- Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 5pm
- Wednesday 14th May 2025, 5pm
Contact Us
Liverpool Life Sciences UTC is part of Northern Schools Trust.
To contact the Governing Body on any matter, please do so by contacting the Clerk, Sarah Stephenson.
Address: Northern Schools Trust, 120 Heyworth Street, Liverpool, L5 0SQ
Email to: [email protected]
Telephone: 0151 260 4044
Northern Schools Trust Address: Breckfield House, 128 Breckfield Road North, Liverpool, L5 4QZ
- Northern Schools Trust Scheme of Delegation
- Declaration of Interest and Governor's Information is available here.
Find out more about the Governance of Northern Schools Trust here.
For the following information, please visit Northern Schools Trust.
- Current memorandum of association
- Articles of association
- Funding agreement
- Annual accounts
- Annual report
- Register of interests for the accounting officer