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MeDeVet Programme Taster Session Round-up

Event date: 4th of May 2024

Liverpool Life Sciences UTC has unveiled the relaunch of its pioneering MeDeVet Programme with a Taster Session aimed at young individuals yet to join the UTC. The event, hailed as a tremendous success, witnessed an overwhelming 85% of attendees expressing interest in joining the UTC, while 100% lauded their experience, rating it as either excellent or very good. Positive feedback flooded in, particularly regarding the quality of teaching and the engaging ‘interaction’ element.

Led by Leonie and Andrew, both esteemed leads of the MeDeVet Programme and seasoned biology and science educators, the session featured two hands-on and interactive segments. Adding to the allure of the event was a special appearance by Emma Greenough, the Apprenticeship and Work Experience Lead at Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust.

“The morning delved into an area of overlap between biology and chemistry specifications, focusing on protein misfolding and its role in causing diseases such as Mad Cow Disease (BSE) and Kuru. Students were engaged and enthusiastic as they explored the mechanisms and biochemistry of the diseases. Through interactive discussions and hands on activities, they gained a deeper understanding of how chemical processes influence biological systems. It was inspiring to witness their curiosity and passion for learning. We look forward to more enriching sessions like these in the future.” Leonie Darby, MeDeVet Programme Lead.

The Taster Session not only showcased the innovative approach of the MeDeVet Programme but also provided attendees with a glimpse into the dynamic learning environment fostered at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC. With interest soaring and anticipation mounting, prospective students are encouraged to delve deeper into the MeDeVet Programme’s offerings and opportunities by visiting here.

Jill Davies, Principal said “The UTC MeDeVet Programme is a ground-breaking initiative to educate and develop the medical, veterinary, dental and healthcare professionals of tomorrow.  This unique MeDeVet academic/industry partnership allows UTC MeDeVet Programme students privileged access and support from leading industry professionals. Our students achieve remarkable A level grades, but more than this, we prepare them to be both career and profession ready.”



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