As a specialist school, we don’t limit the options that you can choose to study in Year 10 – in fact, we provide all the national curriculum subjects, plus a lot more.
Alongside the core curriculum subjects, our students select a range of optional subjects, which give them a good foundation if they want to later specialise in a certain area in sixth form.
Our specialised option choices support routes into careers in medicine, nursing, drug development, engineering and much more. When you apply to the Life Sciences UTC, you’ll get impartial advice on which options would benefit you the most, and the best route into your future career.
Our subjects have been designed in conjunction with our university and industry partners, to make sure that students get the best possible education options for the roles of the future.
We’ve worked closely with our partners to cover the key skills, experiences and attributes needed in the science, engineering and healthcare sectors. Our students have everything at their fingertips to make an informed decision about the best route through education for them, playing to their personal strengths and interests.
Download the GCSE options form
The core examination subjects are:
Separate Sciences:
Read more about each subject using the links below:
- KS4 Art
- KS4 Biology
- KS4 Business
- KS4 Chemistry
- KS4 Computer Science
- KS4 Engineering
- KS4 English
- KS4 Geography
- KS4 Graphics
- KS4 Health
- KS4 History
- KS4 Mathematics
- KS4 Lens Based Media
- KS4 Physics
- KS4 Psychology
- KS4 Sociology
- KS4 Spanish
- KS4 Sport
The core curriculum also includes some non-examination subjects:
- Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
- Personal, Social Health, Citizenship Education
- Wellbeing (PE)
- Religious Education