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At Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, sixth form students receive a unique educational experience. Alongside a core curriculum of A Levels and vocational qualifications, students benefit from the expertise of business partners who help shape their learning. These partners define industry skills needs and offer real-world projects, masterclasses, and training to ensure students are prepared for future careers. 

For more information on the curriculum, please contact Rupert Evans.


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Types of Qualifications available

A Level

A-Level (Advanced Level) qualifications are subject-based qualifications that students in the UK typically study over two years, usually between the ages of 16 and 18, after completing their GCSEs.

Key Points About A-Levels:

  1. Subject Choice: Students usually select three or four subjects to study in-depth.
  2. Assessment: A-Levels are primarily assessed through exams, although some subjects may include coursework or practical assessments.
  3. Grading: A-Levels are graded from A* (highest) to E (lowest), with U indicating ungraded.
  4. University Entrance: A-Levels are widely recognised by universities in the UK and internationally. Most universities specify certain A-Level grades and subjects as entry requirements for their courses.
  5. Flexibility: Students can choose from a wide range of subjects, including sciences, humanities, languages, and vocational subjects.


BTEC Level 3 qualifications are vocational qualifications that provide practical, career-focused education and training. They are equivalent to A-Levels and are recognised by employers and universities. BTEC stands for Business and Technology Education Council.

Key Points About BTEC Level 3:

  1. Levels and Equivalence:
    • BTEC Level 3 National Certificate: Equivalent to 0.5 A-Levels
    • BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate: Equivalent to 1 A-Level
    • BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: Equivalent to 2 A-Levels
    • BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma: Equivalent to 3 A-Levels
  2. Subject Areas: BTECs cover a wide range of subjects, including business, health and social care, engineering, IT, sport, and more.
  3. Assessment: BTECs are assessed through a combination of coursework, practical projects, and sometimes exams. This continuous assessment method differs from the exam-focused approach of A-Levels.
  4. Learning Style: BTECs focus on practical, hands-on learning, often involving real-world projects and work placements. This approach is designed to develop specific skills and knowledge directly relevant to particular industries.
  5. University and Career Progression: BTECs are accepted by many universities, especially for vocational and applied science courses. They also provide a strong foundation for entering the workforce directly, with skills tailored to specific career paths.
  6. Flexibility: Students can combine BTECs with A-Levels to create a more personalised education pathway that suits their career aspirations and learning preferences.

BTEC Level 3 qualifications offer a practical and applied approach to learning, making them a valuable option for students aiming for specific careers or looking to gain practical experience alongside their academic studies.

T Level

T Levels are a relatively new type of technical qualification in the UK, designed to provide students with a high-quality, vocational alternative to A Levels. They are aimed at students aged 16-19 and combine classroom learning with on-the-job experience.

Key Points About T Levels:

  1. Structure:
    • Classroom Learning: Students spend 80% of their time in the classroom, learning the theory and skills relevant to their chosen industry.
    • Industry Placement: The remaining 20% of time (approximately 45 days) is spent on a work placement with an employer, giving students real-world experience.
  2. Subjects: T Levels cover a wide range of sectors, including:
    • Digital
    • Construction
    • Education and Childcare
    • Health and Science
    • Engineering and Manufacturing
    • Business and Administration
    • Legal, Finance, and Accounting
  3. Duration: Each T Level course lasts for two years, aligning with the duration of A Levels.
  4. Assessment: T Levels are assessed through a combination of exams, coursework, and the practical skills demonstrated during the industry placement.
  5. Grading: Students receive an overall grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction, or Distinction*, which reflects their performance across all components of the course.
  6. Qualification and Progression:
    • T Levels are equivalent to three A Levels.
    • They provide a pathway to skilled employment, higher apprenticeships, or further study, including university.
  7. Content:
    • Core Content: Students learn broad knowledge and skills that apply across their chosen sector.
    • Specialist Content: Students also gain expertise in specific areas of their chosen sector, tailored to their career aspirations.

T Levels are designed with input from employers to ensure that the skills and knowledge taught are relevant to industry needs, so they offer an excellent route for students who prefer a more practical, career-oriented approach to their education, bridging the gap between school and the workplace or further technical study. The significant industry placement component ensures students gain valuable hands-on experience and provides a direct link with employers which can enhance future job prospects.






We work closely with you and your parents to make sure you opt for the best combination of subjects to help you achieve your dreams. And, if you’re unsure about your future goals, we can advise you on how best to keep your options open and find out what really inspires you.

You can also select subjects delivered by The Studio

For more information about Liverpool Life Sciences UTC curriculum, please contact Rupert Evans

Literacy at CUC

At the CUC6, literacy focusses on strategies to improve students’ abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Upon entering, all students are tested for reading capabilities, and various interventions are implemented based on the results.

We employ approaches that integrate content knowledge with literacy skills relevant to the subject areas. It is a daily, holistic focus across our curriculum, with strategies to ensure students achieve their potential.

Professional and academic language is essential in our classrooms to foster specialised discussion and debate, preparing students for further education.

Building vocabulary is central to our literacy program. We use strategies like pronunciation, etymology, synonyms, and a "word of the week" scheme to help students confidently use new words.

Feedback is crucial in developing literacy skills. Identifying errors, enhancing vocabulary, and improving oratory skills are part of all subjects. Student feedback helps us tailor our strategies to individual needs.

Check out our recommended reading lists for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Maths to continue your studies at home.


Employer projects are a cornerstone of the Liverpool Life Sciences UTC curriculum. Our students have the unique opportunity to take the theory they learn and apply it to ‘real’ projects designed and delivered by our employer partners.

PBL page


Year 12 students are given the opportunity to start a Level Three Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which involves them either conducting a piece of original research, developing an artefact or writing a research based written essay. The topic of this research project is chosen by the student, who then works with a Supervisor to develop their project idea. The EPQ is highly valued by universities, and some will accept it as UCAS points, some use it to lower an offer and others like students to talk about their original research during applications and interviews.

British Values

We place a strong emphasis on ensuring our students are not only qualified for the jobs of tomorrow but are equipped for life.

Our curriculum and our ethos ‘Every Day is an Interview,’ encourages students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the schools, local community and to the wider society. The development of students’ self-knowledge and self-confidence enables them to acquire an appreciation of, and respect for, their own and other cultures. It encourages them to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England. This prepares them for life in modern Britain and all that this entails; for example, an acceptance that other people having different faiths and beliefs and an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety.

The four British Values are:

  • The Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Those without Faith
  • Individual Liberty

The booklets contain details of the coverage of these values across the curriculum at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC. British Values are embedded within the curriculum and also taught explicitly through the Jigsaw PSHE programme.

In some subject areas, the concepts may be taught explicitly, whereas in others they may be referred to, or be part of the broader way in which the subject is delivered. Details of this are given below…

Each year, when the curriculum is reviewed, this booklet is updated to reflect any changes.


Enrichment activities are key to building our students’ experience of the world outside the classroom. Designed to enhance applications for future study, apprenticeship and job applications, our enrichment activities are fun, compelling and diverse, allowing students to build their knowledge whilst building their confidence.

If you’re interested in learning more about our enrichment projects, click here.

Personal Development

The primary purpose of Liverpool Life Sciences UTC is to prepare young people for the jobs of tomorrow. We develop work-ready young people with the academic, technical, personal and employability skills required to move onto successful careers. To this end the development of personal and employability skills underpins everything we do.


We focus on the following six key personal and employability skills which have been prioritised by our Employer Partners:

  1. Team Work
  2. Leadership
  3. Communication
  4. Independence
  5. Resilience
  6. Entrepreneurship


Personal and Employability skills are developed through the following strategies:

  • our longer school day
  • our professional dress codes
  • our Every Day is an Interview ethos
  • our approach to independent study
  • our Employer Projects
  • our Work Experience opportunities
  • our University Awareness programme
  • our Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) programme
  • our mentoring projects



We promise our students either a job, apprenticeship or university place, once you’ve successfully completed your studies here. We’re known for it, winning the ‘Career Aspiration Award’ in Educate magazine’s awards.

In order for that to happen, exceptional careers advice, guidance and information for all students is essential. We do that both in-house, and by pointing you in the direction of independent advice and guidance, so you have the broadest range of information possible.

For more information on careers, please contact our Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Lead, Michael Saint-Cricq.

Tel: 0151 230 1330

We would love to know what you think about our careers programme. Please send any feedback to Michael Saint-Cricq.

Key Information

Careers Themes

Every day is an Interview Students will participate in a range of experiences and opportunities to develop personal skills, professional skills and understanding of their role in society.


  • Academic qualifications (including A Levels): 0.11
  • Applied general qualifications (broad vocational qualifications): 0.55
  • Academic qualifications (including A Levels): 31.94
  • Applied general qualifications (broad vocational qualifications): 35.48
  • English progress: 0.18
  • Maths Progress: 0.93
  • Retention: 0.93
  • 94% A* – C in A level Biology with 40% achieving A* / A
  • 82% A* – C in A level Chemistry with 43% achieving A* /A
  • 100% A* – C in A level Psychology
  • 100% A* – C in A Level Sociology
  • 100% A* – C in Criminology
  • 75% A* – C in A Level mathematics with 44% A* / A


Our 2024 students continue their studies in the following institutions:

  • University of Liverpool to study Chemistry, Biomedical Science, Radiography, Orthoptics
  • Liverpool John Moores University to study Psychology, Zoology, Biomedical Sciences, Nursing, Teaching, Business and Marketing, Law, Sports Journalism, Software Engineering
  • Edge Hill University to study Child Nursing, Dietitian
  • University of Chester to study Adult Nursing
  • University of Nottingham to study Chemistry
  • University of Manchester to study Law, Mental Health Nursing
  • University of Leeds to study Radiography
  • University of Leicester to study Midwifery
  • University of Salford to study Psychology and Counselling
  • University of Keele to study Geography
  • Apprenticeships include:
  • Air Traffic Engineering Level 3 Apprenticeship at John Lennon Airport
  • Level 3 Law Apprenticeship at Browne Jacobsen LLP
  • Degree Apprenticeships in Engineering with Sellafield